Saturday, April 26, 2008

Finally A Job Offer

The upper school dean of a private school called yesterday morning to inform me that the school wanted to off me a job as a full-time Mandarin Chinese teacher starting August, 2008.

I was overwhelmed by the following facts of this great offer:

  1. This school is only 2 miles from my place, which literally means a 10-min. bus ride every morning (yeah... consider the super high gas price these days, and the 1st class begins at 7:40 AM, it's a great benefit for me!)
  2. It's the subject I want to teach and be good at teaching (though they're asking me to teach maybe one Chinese history class if the enrollment for Chinese classes isn't going too well...)
  3. The salary is pretty good. Since I only have one-year teaching experience in the U.S. , I won't even think about negotiating the salary at this point.
  4. The students are ages 12~18 (6th~12th grades), all pretty behaved and motivated to learn (at least that's what I feel from the previous 2 teaching demos ).
  5. The school environment is nice, the school offers free lunch (and it's hot!) and provide pretty good benefits.
  6. The vibes I received from the teachers and staff are friendly and supportive. It feels like I can fit in well in the community.

Needlessly to say, I guess I'll just accept the offer next week after I receive and read the contract.

I'm so happy that the very long job hunting process is going to end pretty soon. Thank God, no matter there is a God or not, I'm thankful for the almighty power above us.

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