Thursday, March 13, 2008

Eating is the most important thing! 吃饭皇帝大

One of my tutoring students sent me this comic strip from Germany (he's on a business trip) today: (I've tried to post the comic here, but didn't work...)

The dialogues between these 2 businessmen are:

  • A: I've been very impressed by the Chinese approach to business...
  • B: Yes, me too.
  • A: I came here expecting to find a country whose traditional ways of doing things would hamper its aspirations to be a 21st century economy...
  • B: (listening)
  • A: But in fact, many aspects of ancient Chinese culture are fully in tune with modern business requirements...
  • B: Yes... Chopsticks in particular.
  • A: Quite. One doesn't have to waste valuable Blackberry time whilst one's eating...

Indeed. I find chopsticks super useful for me. I don't really need a fork or a spoon, all I need is a rice bowl and a pair of chopsticks, then you can have almost any kinds of food with them (mm, I even use chopsticks for eating French Toast or salad). You don't need tongs when you're cooking. And you can even use chopsticks as a knife when it comes to eating some tricky food (like steak). Or even better, if you have long hair, you can fix your hair with it, you can fight (or stick) your brothers with them at a dining table... Very useful...

So... I guess that's why ancient Chinese invented chopsticks and keep using them even now -- to force you focus on eating only, not reading or typing at the same time?! Haha (it's healthier for you to concentrate on eating anyway).

Speaking of health, here's some "Chinese way of living" for everyone.

An old Chinese saying: 吃饭皇帝大 (chifan huangdi da)

When one is eating, one is greater than the emperor.

Meaning: When someone is eating, even though he's only a peasant, we should treat him like an emperor and respect his basic human right of satisfying his tummy.

Underlined meaning: Food is the most important thing for commoners (or, for us middle class nowadays). We don't care who the emperor (or president) is, when we're hungry, we want food. If you bother me when I'm eating (or, can't even provide food for us, or can't 'SHOW ME THE 'FOOD'), I don't give a dxxn that even though you're a emperor (or president).

I attached 2 pix for you. One was my niece demonstrated how to use ONE chopstick to eat a cob of corn during the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner. Another was my brother (my niece's Dad) showed you how to stick people with chopsticks (pls do not imitate, it's very dangerous.... haha).

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