Saturday, May 3, 2008


I sent out a WISH LIST to my supervisor after talking to her last Wednesday:

Chinese Textbooks for 08-09

I also requested the ordering of 2 Teacher’s Books, price TBA.

By the way, I recommended the students to do some light reading as a supplementary material:
China: Empire of Living Symbols (Paperback)
Author: Cecilia Lindqvist
Edition: 08
Publisher: Da Capo Press (May 5, 2008)
Price: $25.00

You can easily get the paperback copy form now. I just got my paperback copy 3 days ago (the hardcover one is like $100, very expensive), and love it!! The chair said we probably can get a few, and put it in our library for students' reference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just came across your blog. Very nice!! Let me introduce you another book, The Frog in the Well. It has both traditional and simplified characters, as well as Pinyin and Zhu Yin Fu Hao. Please read the first pages here. Also, I tried to find your email, but I can't locate it. We are currently recruiting a translator to translate our next Chinese-English bilingual book for children. If you are interested, please contact us. Thank you!
CE Bilingual Books LLC